Events 2023 and 2024 Gallery
Nativity 2024
'5 days at Peat Rigg for our Year 4, 5 and 6'
'Forest School Open Day'
'Snow Days'
'Pumpkin Picking'
'Fire Brigade Visit for Base 1'
'Spooky Day'
'Apple Picking'
Nearly a quarter of a century ago, Goathland School pupils planted apple trees in Beck Hole. These are still maintained by the Beck Hole Orchard Trust. Colin Pyrah, from the Trust, invited us along to pick the apples. Whilst the sun was shining, we jumped at the chance to visit and learn about this fantastic initiative. Our pupils recognised a lot of the ex-pupils names which are still clearly visible on the tree plaques. It was fantastic to see how excited the children were as they collected apples planted by family members and friends. Thank you to Colin Pyrah and the Trust for their invaluable information and continued support
'Eden Camp'
Base 2 visited Eden Camp Museum, this gave our pupils to get hands on with their WWII topic and really develop historical empathy for those who lived during the war.
'During the War........'
Base 2 travelled to Lythe Primary School to join other Key Stage 2 pupils in watching a World War II production of ‘During the War….’. This live performance was thoroughly entertaining and enhanced pupils understanding about life in Britain during WWII. Base 2 also enjoyed a social catch-up on Lythe’s playground where the game of football, once again, allowed pupils from both schools a chance to socialise.
Goathland Village Show 2024
We had a brilliant time at Goathland Village Show. We raised £235.30.
Peat Rigg - Water Day
Leavers Assembly 2024
Sports Day 2024
What an unforgettable afternoon at The Hub for our Sports Day.

MIMA Art Gallery
We visited the MIMA Gallery in Middlesbrough. We enjoyed the art on display and created some fantastic sketches of our own.
Sikh Temple - Middlesbrough
What an absolutely gorgeous morning at the Gudwara. We are so inspired by all the kindness and compassion shown here! We are so grateful for this enriching experience.
Whitby Rotary Stem Challenge
We are delighted to announce we are runners up in the Whitby Rotary STEM challenge. Well done to all involved for their research, enthusiasm and engineering skills!
Whitby Surf School
What a wonderful experience. Base 2 had a great time at Whitby Surf School.
Peat Rigg
Base 2 had a wonderful day at Peat Rigg. They took part in orienteering, low ropes, archery, zip line and caving!
Most importantly, they worked as a team and grew in confidence throughout the day. They definitely conquered their fears.
Treat Time
What a great treat at our Forest School today. We all loved our ice creams and lollies! Thank you Flows for this after SATs treat
Meeting the Lambs
Today we ventured out on our annual pilgrimage (now the rain has stopped) to Darholm Farm to feed their pet lambs. We had a great time meeting the little lambs and learning about the different breeds of sheep. We also met the biggest bull we’d ever seen! A huge thank you to Ian and Tracey for allowing us this wonderful opportunity.
Danby Moors Centre

Author Visit

RAF Fylingdales Visit
Red Nose Day 2024
We had a great day for Comic Relief.
Roman Soldier Visit
We welcomed a Roman Soldier into school. He gave a lively and interesting talk on Romans and the life of a Roman Soldier to our older children. There were lots of real and replica artifacts for hands-on tasks which prompted a lot of questions.
World Book Day 2024
As part of our World Book Day celebrations we were thrilled to have local author June McCeave in school. She shared her new book Pandora Pettigrew Puss Wuss with our pupils.
Keys Stage 1 pupils also visited Goathland Tea Rooms reading Cafe in their wonderful costumes.

Reading Cafe
Years 1&2 visited Goathland Tea Rooms as part of our Reading Cafe (standing for comprehension,accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary).
Key Stage 2 Playground Leaders Course
Mrs Twamley from Lady Lumley’s school delivered some fabulous playground leader training to our Key Stage 2 pupils.
As part of Base 2’s Food Technology Topic, the children made pretzels. They were a great success!
Cornonation Lunch
Red Nose Day 2023
Base 1 visited Danby Moors Centre and took part in the Gruffalo Adventure Day.
World Book Day 2023
After reading ‘The Jolly Postman’ we walked to the Post Office to buy stamps so we can post the letters we will be writing this week. This afternoon we have also drawn maps of our walk as part of our Geography topic.
Base 1’s Hatching Experience
Whitby Schools Cross Country League 3 at Whitby Sixth Form College. Well done to our Key Stage 2 pupils for their outstanding individual performances and as always,sportsmanship.
Events 2023 and 2024
World Book Day 2024
As part of our World Book Day celebrations we were thrilled to have local author June McCeave in school. She shared her new book Pandora Pettigrew Puss Wuss with our pupils.
Keys Stage 1 pupils also visited Goathland Tea Rooms reading Cafe in their wonderful costumes.

Reading Cafe
Years 1&2 visited Goathland Tea Rooms as part of our Reading Cafe (standing for comprehension,accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary).
Key Stage 2 Playground Leaders Course
Mrs Twamley from Lady Lumley’s school delivered some fabulous playground leader training to our Key Stage 2 pupils.
As part of Base 2’s Food Technology Topic, the children made pretzels. They were a great success!
Cornonation Lunch
Red Nose Day 2023
Base 1 visited Danby Moors Centre and took part in the Gruffalo Adventure Day.
World Book Day 2023
After reading ‘The Jolly Postman’ we walked to the Post Office to buy stamps so we can post the letters we will be writing this week. This afternoon we have also drawn maps of our walk as part of our Geography topic.
Base 1’s Hatching Experience
Whitby Schools Cross Country League 3 at Whitby Sixth Form College. Well done to our Key Stage 2 pupils for their outstanding individual performances and as always,sportsmanship.