
Attendance Policy Good attendance at school is absolutely essential and we ideally need children to be in school every single day.  We aim for an overall target of 97% attendance, which means missing no more than 5 school days in the whole year.

We realise that some absence is unavoidable and children should not come to school if they are genuinely too ill to do so.  However, children may attend with minor illness and we stronlgly urge families not to take holidays in term time.  A few days off may not seem like much, but combined with a few days of illness can soon add up to a concerning amount of time away from school.

Our Attendance Leads are Mr Cooper and Mrs Bordoli and all attendance is overseen by our Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Atkinson.  Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Cooper on or the other team members via if you have any concerns about attendance.