>Order Uniform Here<
As part of building an effective and purposeful learning environment we would like children and staff to dress in a smart, practical way and have a sense of belonging to our school community. Children are actively encouraged to wear school uniform and to take a pride in belonging to the school.
Children’s Uniform Choices
There is plenty of choice within our uniform code for children to celebrate their individuality, and uniform can be chosen from:
– Maroon sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
– Black or grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore. Skirts and trousers should allow the wearer to sit comfortably on the floor.
– Pale blue polo top for Reception – Year 6.
– Maroon Polo top for Nursery
(items with the school logo may be purchased directly from Laughing Whale Embroidery if desired).
– Indoor Shoes – smart, black flat footwear (not trainers or gym shoes) which will protect children’s feet in the classroom and which will not damage the fabric of the building. School shoes are kept at school and changed into when children arrive at school.
– Outdoor Shoes – Suitable for the weather conditions and for playing on the playground.
– Black, grey, white socks or tights
In summer, uniform may be varied with:
– Black or grey school short trousers – these should allow the wearer to sit comfortably on the floor
– blue and white checked school dress (short sleeves)
– Sensible, plain sandals which will protect children’s feet in the classroom, allow running in the playground and which will not damage the fabric of the building.
Other uniform requirements
– All uniform must be clearly named.
– For safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school, apart from a watch (removed for P.E.) and, if your child’s ears are pierced, only ONE pair of small gold/silver studs may be worn (removed for P.E.)
– No nail varnish or make-up.
– Long hair should be securely tied back. Hair accessories should be discreet and, ideally, in school colours. No extreme hair styles.
– Outdoor clothing, including hats and other headwear, should not be worn in the classroom.
PE Kit
PE kit may be chosen from:
Moving towards a united PE uniform of BLUE T-shirts and maroon hoodies / school fleeces. Please can we ask parents to buy future PE kit in blue and maroon from Laughing Whale Embroidery.
– White (current) or blue t-shirt or polo shirt – this should be plain or with the school logo (polo shirts with the school logo are available from Laughing Whale Embroidery desired)
– Black PE shorts
– Black gym shoes for indoor / outdoor use
– Trainers for outdoor use if desired
– Maroon hooded sweatshirt or fleece for outdoor use (items with school logo available from Laughing Whale Embroidery)
– Black track suit bottoms for outdoor use
Other PE Kit requirements
- PE kit should be clean, in good repair, and clearly labelled.
- Football strips and inter school competition PE strips will be given out to pupils before an event.
Staff support for this policy
School staff will support the policy by setting a good example in terms of smart, practical work attire, remembering that we serve the community as a set of professionals. Inappropriate dress includes items such as denim clothing, clothing that reveals underwear, strapless or halter neck tops, casual beach-type wear, very short skirts or shorts, combat trousers, leggings (unless under a suitable other item), clothing with large logos or wording, sports/outdoor clothing (unless teaching PE or outdoor activities).
This policy does not seek to document all the items that could be deemed inappropriate but to provide a general indication to staff.
PE Kit: Staff must wear PE kits when teaching PE. The staff PE kit consists of black/navy tracksuit bottoms, skirt or shorts and plain T–shirt without large logos or wording.
On days when PE is being taught, staff PE kits may be worn all day. However, staff wearing shorts for PE must replace them with tracksuit trousers after the session.
All jewellery, especially earrings must be removed even if you are just supporting the lesson.
Watches and rings of significance may be worn.
If you have a meeting on your PE day either with parents or outside agencies you must change back into your smart work wear.
Outdoor Activities and school trips: any suitable clothing to protect you from the environment, without large logos or wording.
Footwear: Open toed footwear can be worn but this is worn at your own risk and the school takes no responsibility for injury caused by wearing open toed shoes or sandals.
Unsuitable footwear: trainers (except for PE session/activities), casual style shoes, flip flops or other beach style footwear, heavy boots
Jewellery should be of a shape and size that does not cause a hazard to self or others.
Staff will remind children to wear school uniform and encourage parents to support our policy.
All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respects other policies such as the Equality statement and allows for individual sets of circumstances of all groups and individuals. Cost is a factor that is taken into account when writing the policy and there is no obligation to purchase items with the school logo. Plain items in school colours are completely accepteble.
School Uniform Policy
If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the head teacher. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear specific clothing etc which differs from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests.
The role of Governors
The governing body implements the school uniform policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding the uniform policy and liaises with the head teacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.
It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities and health and safety. Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.
Monitoring and review
The governing body monitors and reviews this policy through its committee work by:
- seeking the views of parents and staff, to ensure that they agree with and support the policy;
- considering, with the head teacher, any requests from parents for individual children or staff to have special dispensation (e.g. on religious or medical grounds) with regard to school uniform;
- requiring the head teacher to report to the governors on the way the school uniform policy is implemented.